Supplier criteria

How to become a game-changing supplier

We know that change is possible. And, with the support of our partner, albert, we're committed to changing the climate of Australian film and television production.

Sustainable Supplier

A Sustainable Supplier not only provides a service or product that is considered sustainable and/or environmentally friendly, but addresses the environmental impact of their own organisation. They go above and beyond to ensure their internal activities, and the suppliers they use, have minimal impact on the health of our planet. They also work to ensure continual improvement to their processes through Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

A Sustainable Supplier must provide: 

  • An up-to-date Environmental Policy – guidance and templates (providing supplementary accreditations related to their Environmental Management Systems where relevant – ISO, BSI, Race to Zero initiatives e.g. B Corp)
  • Transparency around the largest contributors to their company emissions and evidence of action to reduce these
  • End of life pathways for their products
  • Reports on their own activities, provides their supply chain with these reports and actively pursues their suppliers for reports. For example:
  • Couriers reporting on distances travelled by different vehicle types
  • Air-con engineers reporting on refrigerant gas top-ups and the gas types

Eco Supplier

An Eco Supplier provides a product or service that enables productions to implement sustainable practices, but has minimal internal actions or policies to address their own environmental impact. These businesses may be in the process of developing and addressing their own impact or have minimal impact due to the nature of their operations.

An Eco Supplier includes organisations that:

  • Produce minimal waste within their operations, or help companies to reduce their waste
  • Provide a product or service that encourages reduced resource consumption through reuse or products with recycled content
  • Provide end of life pathways for materials or their products (eg. recycling programs for hard to recycle items) 
  • Give back to the environment and people through community engagement and support
  • Participate in voluntary environmental actions such as “1% for the Planet”
  • Are preferable to ‘industry standard’ because of their action or type (i.e. providing low energy LED lights where standard practice is to use high-intensity tungsten, or offer organic food waste disposal where the standard practice is to put food waste in “general” or landfill waste streams)
  • Are actively working on developing environmental policies or Environmental Management Systems for their organisation, that once developed may enable them to be reassessed as a “Sustainable Supplier”